Restrictions on Fireworks
So as to intensify environmental consciousness, popularize environmental protection knowledge in addition to constructing a green, environmentally friendly and healthy festive atmosphere, recently, in accordance with the overall arrangement of the working conference concerning restrictions on fireworks and firecrackers initiated by Municipal Education& Sports Bureau, Anqing Foreign Language School immediately established a leading group to comprehensively deploy the publicity work on restrictions of fireworks and firecrackers. Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli was the group leader. Meanwhile, division heads and head teachers were group members.
First of all, by means of electronic screen, school communication system, school website and banner, Anqing Foreign Language School conducted extensive publicity to educate people and let them understand the significance and contents of restrictions on fireworks and firecrackers as well as relevant administrative provisions.
Second of all, Anqing Foreign Language School vigorously promoted related content of ‘Control Regulations on Setting off Fireworks& Firecrackers in Anqing City’ and made clear prohibition scope and requirements.
Third of all, Anqing Foreign Language School sent students ‘A Letter to Parents’ to expand publicity education scope.
Fourth of all, Anqing Foreign Language School set up the warning sign ‘Fireworks Prohibited’ at the school gate.
On the whole, through this informative campaign, teachers and students fully realized that setting off massive fireworks and firecrackers would bring about environmental pollution, fog and haze, which would not only do harm to human body, but also easily lead to fire accidents and destroy our living environment in the meantime.




